Just Spring
“just spring” is just about over, http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/176657, and I am finally addressing my new website, and new, for me, writing territory – blogging.
The process has taken me back to when and where this writing thing kicked in for me, for real. I can’t speak for anyone else, but these days I am much more interested in actual details concerning change and process, as opposed to generalities. So my first few blogs are going to do just that – let you guys in on the nitty-gritty of how I became the “Poster Child of Late Bloomers” in the professional writing department.
Let’s start at the beginning shall we? The Essay That Changed Everything.
The year was 1997. My eighteen-year-old marriage was falling apart, and so was I. I could barely admit this to myself, much less anyone else. Instead, I bivouacked in a trench of denial, drank wine, and stayed as hidden as possible, wrapped in a blanket of shame.
I also decided running a marathon was a good idea.
But most importantly, I decided to write about what was going on. Not for fame, not for fortune, but because I had to. I somehow knew that even if I couldn’t talk about my precarious situation, maybe, just maybe, I could write about it. And then maybe, just maybe, I could pass along that method of self-communicating in answer to the once innocent, but now deadly-as-a-grenade question from my friends “How are things with you?”
Click here to read the article, “Running the London Marathon.”
balloonMan whistles